JiX Swap Token (JIX)
Contract Address:
Name: JiX Swap Token
Ticker: JIX
Decimals: 18
Max supply: 50,000
JIX Liquidity Mining and Burn Rates
Emission Rate: 0.75 JIX/block or 21600 JIX/day [may change in future]
Block Reward: Current block reward is 0.75 JIX. [may change in future]
· To preserve JIX Token value, we decided to burn 2000*(Block Reward) JIX Token every day.
· Nearly 9.09% of the total produced JIX will be sent to the deployer address for marketing&burning. The rest will be distributed among farms&pools on our platform.
· The team will not sell or farm any JIX token. The amount accumulates on the deployer address will be used only for marketing, contents&competitions and future airdrop. The only income for the developer team is deposit fees.
Importance of unique inflation control mechanism:
· Allocating this budget for marketing instead of buyback will help us grow & expand, hence, increasing coin value much more compared to buybacks.
· Income from deposit fees is negligible compared to the size of JIX/ETH and JIX/USDT pools. As a result of this, the value increase of JIX after the buyback will also negligible.
· Buyback can backfire since times of buybacks can create a pump/dump environment, and like said in the second argument, the value increase of the token is negligible due to the high volume of pools.
Deposit Fees
Standard deposit fee is 4% across all NON-JIX farms and pools. For JIX farms and pools, there is no deposit fee (0%). 50% of the deposit fee will be distributed among developers, the other 50% will be used for mainly marketing, buyback, and other expenses such as airdrops, contests, maintenance, etc.
JIX as a Governance Token
JIX is the native governance token of JiX Swap. We are advocates of decentralized platforms, because of this, we will lead our platform to success with our community. The community uses this platform and the community will lead this platform.
Our governance model is explained on Governance. As said there, after compulsory developments are being done, we will give control to our community.